When using iPhone, sometimes we need to visit some overseas websites or applications, but due to network problems, we cannot access them directly. At this time, using HTTP proxy can help us solve this problem.

HTTP proxy is a network proxy technology that can forward client requests to the proxy server, which sends requests to the target server and returns the response results to the client. By using HTTP proxy, we can protect the real IP address of the client, and at the same time solve network problems and access websites or applications.

When using iPhone, we can achieve overseas access by setting up HTTP proxy. Here are the specific setting steps:

1. Open the "Settings" application of iPhone and select the "Wireless LAN" option.

2. Find the currently connected Wi-Fi network and click the "Information" icon on the right.

3. On the Wi-Fi network information page, find the "HTTP Proxy" option and select "Manual".

4. In the "Server" and "Port" input boxes, fill in the address and port number of the proxy server. This information can be obtained from the proxy service provider.

5. If the proxy server requires username and password verification, fill in the corresponding information in the "Username" and "Password" input boxes.

6. Click the "Save" button to save the settings and return to the Wi-Fi network information page.

7. Now, you have successfully set up the HTTP proxy. You can try to access overseas websites or applications to see if you can access them normally.

It should be noted that there are some risks in using HTTP proxy. If you use an untrusted proxy service provider, your personal information may be leaked or attacked by the network. Therefore, when choosing a proxy service provider, be sure to choose a trustworthy service provider and do not leak personal sensitive information.

HTTP proxy is a very practical network technology that can help us solve network problems and access overseas websites or applications. If you need to access overseas websites or applications, you can try to use HTTP proxy to achieve it.

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